
                  Design and Construct Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants both Domestically and Internationally

                  PRODUCTS RANGE

                  Add: Jinshan Bridge Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
                  Mobile: 86-13805211808
                  Tel: 86-516-83168088
                  Email: xy-rjd@163.com

                  Current Position: Home> Products


                  Chemical Pretreatment Tank
                  Chemical Pretreatment Tank
                  • Model:
                  • Uses:

                  PP sheets tank

                  Glass fiber reinforced plastics tank

                  Granite pretreatment tank

                  Note:on the basis of geological condition, chemical pretreatment tank can be built below or above ground, and its anticorrosive materials include: granite, glass fiber reinforced plastics, PP sheets, acid resisting concrete and so on.

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